
I have new boots!

Hans happened to throw away one of my favourite shoes
(yes, just one of them)
wich I used when interrailing in 1984.
Those were really nice, confortable, high quality, classical,
old shoes - perfect in my taste.

Also I used to have these favouriteboots
wich I bought during outreach with YWAM in Malmö in 1983.
I think those boots might have been
from the end of the 1800-sometime.

I treasured the moments
when my Father used to help me
tie the strings of those boots.
He was good with that!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Loosing these shoes made me sad.
However, now I am happy again -
My mother generously took me shoeshopping yesterday.
I found a pair of goretex-shoes,
good for walking the hard streets of Stockholm.
And I found some nicelooking,
dressy shoes suitable for less walking.

Then I saw them - my boots -
like a mixture of my lost, loved shoes
and my old beloved boots!
I could not resist trying them on.
I just wanted to get the feel.
I ´would not buy them. Just dream of them.
It felt so good!

My Mother who saw my smile,
offered me these ones instead of those dressy, nicelooking ones
-wich most probobly would become
worn out and out of fashion very, very soon.

I would like to surround myself
only by souch things that - like these boots -
makes me feel more hole and complete as an Olga.
Finding these boots was finding a lost part of myself.

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