
Tell me!

Intelligent people, wise people, tell me;
What if I sell my photographs through here?

I have no idea myself,
if it is a wise thing to do
but I welcome ways to earn money
for our survival :-)


In our home
were many fragnances of Christmas.
Hyasinter, stearinljus, pepparkakor och gran.
Beside Santa Claus who dropped by for a while in the afternoon,
we had just one visitor - but a very dear visitor - Prince of Peace.
It snowed a little bit.
Names of friends and family in out christmastree.


In the afternoon
Annelie and I took a walk in the neighbourhood.Photobucket
We handed out a "book"
we printed last week
wich we started working at
a year and a half ago.Photobucket
It is about people who have lived here
since our neighbourhood was new
40 years ago.Photobucket
Annelie wrote.
I took pictures.

Läs om "40 år i Tensta - förortens nybyggare berättar"


Click to enlarge pictures!


I have taken a day off... Hey, it is Sunday after all!
Have had friends gathering around our piano.
We have sung just because of our LOVE for singing.
Then we had a beautiful little teatime together
as it felt as though my friends had always known one another.

Yes, here they are - my flower boots.

