
This is how Noak tells us to hold our hands before we eat. He learned it at Solgläntan. We shall be quiet till he - or the one he picks - sais "Varsågod och börja" (Please be started) Sometimes he askes us to hold eachothers hands as well, before we start eating.

Today I ordered a 30x45cm picture like this from my photolab.

Noak two days ago: "I am an adult now"
Yesterday Noak wouldn´t fall a sleep for a nap in the afternoon. Instead I heard him in the bedroom reading the book "Nicke Nyfiken" to himself. (original title: "Curious George rides a bike" by H.A Rey, 1952)
Today he read "Nicke Nyfiken" again. This time to Hans. Nearly word by word. (MANY words!!!) He remembered the story from looking at the pictures, he said. He can not read yet. Although he has known all the letters for over a year now.


I am making a hundred little dices.

from "Le Rossignol" by Stravinsky performed by Natalie Dessay


I am looking for my voice.
I search for the words I should say.
And I keep on working on my new homepages
where I on one webpage feature photography (see)
and on the other one feature portraitpainting of children (see).

My man and another woman
does NOT aprove to the texts I´ve written.
They think I should sound so much more tough.

Oh well...



It is time to write...

It is a strange time right now.
It is a time in between.
I don´t know really in between what.
But that is what it is.

I have finished my last painting
of Blekinges former Landshövding; Ingegerd Wärnersson.
Being a Landshövding
is like being a king/queen
for a part (landskap) of Sweden.
I will show her portrait to you
once it has been delivered.

I have printed
one hundred folders
on thick paper
to send out to big companies
telling about my portraits.

I am happy with the back of the folder with the little armchair

I am trying to get hold of
the right people
to send my expensive :-) folders to.
I seem, after all,
not to be souch a bright detective
as I first thought I was!
My list is long
of ideas of who would need portraits
but from there,
to getting the RIGHT names and addresses
is a bumpy road.

You know that for the last
years I have been blessed -
just as a job has come to an end
a new job has found me.
So... I have to keep on doing what I can do,
be happy and live in faith!

The other night
I layed a wake for a few hours
coming up with ideas on how
to survive financially...
I thought of painting watercolors.
One or two a day.
I also thought of painting
small, beautiful
portraits of children
that private people can afford.
in oil on MDF-board.
So I started working on a
webpage for children.

And the photographing...
I started making
a homepage for that as well.
see here!

And I have not asked you yet...
Alix and Susanna -
may I use some of your kind
words that you have given me
regarding my photo-portraits
on my webpage?

Any one else who wants to provide
words for people to read
about my photography?

This time in between
is exciting somehow.
It feels like a creative time,
and it´s also full of BIG question-marks
wondering how
my wallet is going to be filled.

Maybe this is a start for something new.
And you know what?
That new - what ever that will be -
YOU, my dear blog-friends,
each and everyone of you -
are to be thanked for.

You are inspiering and supporting me!




like a bird.

with passion.


Always kind and sweet

I am humbled
to have her
as a friend.



This is what
we see in the mornings
when we shake
our blancets and pillows
the bedroom-window.


In my subvurb

You should have seen
the people around here -
They are all SO BEAUTIFUL !

Men and Women
Old and Young
with GRACE.

Beautiful, elder men with walking-sticks...

I would like to collect them all
like flowers in a boquet!

But I am so terribly shy, so I dare not to ask if I may photograph them :-(