
Words for 2010


Getting organized ;-)

My mother gave me a reall planner
for next year
wich may help me get organized.

I am hoping
to write in two photosessions
a day.

Suggestions for realizing that are most welcome!!

P.S. I just had to wach this video over again to get into planner-thinking-mode
and it appears to me that this one my Mother gave me
will be just PERFECT!
Am I lucky, or what?


A picture with words

Click on the picture to enlarge!



We carry our happy memories
along with our hurts and griefs.
We have seen different things
on wich we have buildt our own truths.

We all carry different stories.

Your truth and my truth
may seem different.
Yet we need to respect eachothers truths.

Our God has seen it all with his eyes of LOVE.
Our merciful God has the whole picture
and The Ultimate Truth.

It is a comfort knowing this.

He knows our intentions.
When we did our best
wether people understood it or not.

He also knows when we hurted someone purposly.
He knows when it was not in our intentions to hurt.
He knows.

We are not capable of seeing the whole picture.

Yet, we are to respect one another
and to forgive one another.

Forgiving one another sets us free.

God tells us not to be afraid.
He is with us.