

I woke up feeling so much more comfortable with my life.
My thoughts were talking with me.
Things were falling into places.

My son and I had just gotten back
from four days at my mothers.

Noak was happy and free there.
We slept next to the open window
from where we could see the sky.

There was no sound from the highway.
All we could hear were birds singing to us.

And Noak was excited exploring
my Mothers old, crowded house-
so different from an apartment in the city.

* * *


We took a trip to Arvika
to visit my old friend Jessica.
We used to live there in Arvika my man and I.
Six years ago.
Before moving to Stockholm.

When I first moved to Arvika
I looked in a catalouge of local artists.
I looked at their art.
I asked myself whom of the artists
I thought I could make friend with.

I thought Jessica would make a good friend
so I called her.
She came over
and from that moment on
we´ve been friends she and I.

Jessica "waste" no time thinking.
She is always active.
She is the best cook.
She raised five kids.
She works as a midwife.
And she paints.

She is a driven and productive watercolorist.
A frequent exhibitor.
Mainly she has become known for her house paintings.
I love her flowerpaintings.

Since last time I visited Jessica, six years ago, she and her man had buildt a lovely big house next to the lake.
Below is a watercolor of a house in Arvika by Jessica:

In the beginning of last century
Arvika became inhabited by many artists.
They settled down around the lake, Racken.
A drive around Racken is a lovely experience.
(A swim in it in the summer evening is too)
The houses.
The scenery.

Much of the art by these artists
can be seen at the little museum of art:
"Racksta muséet".

portrait of Maja Fjaestad 1905, by Björn Ahlgrensson - one of the Racksta artists

I wish to write more about Arvika.
But that will be another time.
Now I will hand over the computer to my son
so that he can wach
"fåret Shaun"

Making plans
She asked: "What are your plans for next week?"
I felt speakless. "I don´t make plans" I said.
(Never even though of making week-plans)

I continued thinking of her question...

I like not making too many plans in my everyday life.
It IS a beauty in not knowing what is to be
and to take LIFE as it comes.

Now was summer
and a time just to be,
therefore my plans were none.

But when it comes to my proffession;
plans are necessary if I want to get somewhere!
In my proffession I do make long term plans.

When I am in midst of a commission
I have a job to do -
plans may seem not so necessary to think of.
But NOW I realize that even then I need a strategy -
a plan to work on side by side as I paint.

Those long term plans that I am making
I feel will be much easier to turn into reality
if I brake them down into "nice, handy little time packages of weeks".

Never thought of making week-plans.

What are your plans for next week?