
the TILE

Ususally when something break
I tell myself; "Dont griev! it´s just a material thing."
It usually works.
But this morning
when my Catalunian tile broke
I got sad.

Long time ago
I spent five months in Catalunya, Spain.
I often took a walk to a ruin close by
that had the most breathtaking view
of the hills and fields...
I loved the place!
This tile I picked up there.
As a good memory
Now it is broken.
Yes, it was just a material thing.
But this tile was really dear to me...

Now, isn´t the blue paper beautiful??
See more at www.limohandtryck.se/


Ursula Achten said...

Oh I know this! I don't know if it really relates to " don't hang your heart on things"...
There are some pieces which obviously are not of great value...but there is a story behind them...and emotions!
Olga it was such a beautiful tile, I would have hold it as a treasure, too!!
If I would be a potter, I would love to make tiles and mosaiques!
But I work with paper and I love this handprinted paper, too!

Olga said...

Yes, it was a "heart-thing". Not much in it-self. But this tile could not be replaced by any other tile in the world.

The paper is made by a company that prints wallpaper from old patterns. (Using old carved wood-rolls with the pattern on it)

saloia said...

Dear Olga,

At least you have the bits of pieces....it´s like our memories...they come in bits and pieces but always there.


Alix said...

Mary said it best