Thankyou Liivia!
Yesterday I was listening to music
seeing images
working with my hands
sitting comfortably in our sofa.
And I was feeling completely content.
hangers for my photographs
The music was from here
The images were from here.
The work in my hands was
making nice "hangers"
for my photographs.
The contentment was gained
from having gotten alot of work done
- effectively.
(Sandpapering MDF-boards,
glueing seven pictures on to seven boards,
pressing the pictures on the boards
under heavy books
Painting new boards white.
Glueing little lables
with my name
onto the back
of the boards.
Printing and cutting up extra lables
to last me for a long time.)
To sit down
and enjoy
the present moment
after doing my work
was heavenly!
Liivia -
Your pictures took my mind
to a place where
I felt at home.
To a place where
just everything was right.
There was life, joy and peace
in your pictures
wich flooded over to me.
I looked through your slideshow
in full screen mode
atleast three times.
Thankyou Liivia!
Liivia Talossas blog is here.
A Place for You?
I recomand this.
But even more...
I would recomand this.
Or why not use both places for something...
really good.
What would that be?
What would be a REALLY good purpose...
for these places?
I also believe in this place.
Long time ago
when Hans and I were around looking for places,
we visited the first house I linked to.
I never forgot that house.
The lovely owners
that showed us around
had lived there for thirty years.
(back then the price for it was 600.000 kr)
However, I remember alot more charm
and good atmosphere in it
- and around it -
than what these pictures show.
Categories house find, livingspace
I have new boots!
Hans happened to throw away one of my favourite shoes
(yes, just one of them)
wich I used when interrailing in 1984.
Those were really nice, confortable, high quality, classical,
old shoes - perfect in my taste.
Also I used to have these favouriteboots
wich I bought during outreach with YWAM in Malmö in 1983.
I think those boots might have been
from the end of the 1800-sometime.
I treasured the moments
when my Father used to help me
tie the strings of those boots.
He was good with that!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loosing these shoes made me sad.
However, now I am happy again -
My mother generously took me shoeshopping yesterday.
I found a pair of goretex-shoes,
good for walking the hard streets of Stockholm.
And I found some nicelooking,
dressy shoes suitable for less walking.
Then I saw them - my boots -
like a mixture of my lost, loved shoes
and my old beloved boots!
I could not resist trying them on.
I just wanted to get the feel.
I ´would not buy them. Just dream of them.
It felt so good!
My Mother who saw my smile,
offered me these ones instead of those dressy, nicelooking ones
-wich most probobly would become
worn out and out of fashion very, very soon.
I would like to surround myself
only by souch things that - like these boots -
makes me feel more hole and complete as an Olga.
Finding these boots was finding a lost part of myself.
Categories treasures
This summer has been - and still is full of emotions.
And when I have the possibility I´ll sit down and write about it all;
about our "fleemarket", the photography, my friend Anna, my dear mother, about the house where I grew up...
There is much to tell.
We sold things for three weeks
and the house was once again filled with
life, laughter and talking people.
Those three weeks were like a long happy feast!
( This is by the way the greatest idea: a mobile vintage & retro shop. )
And when I was on my way back to Stockholm
sitting on the subway
our suburb...
I bursted into tears
feeling like a homeless refugee...
. . . . . . . . . . . .

These are the people tha are to take over Toreskog.
They are perfect for the purpose
and I wish them well and that
Toreskog will be a happy home to them!
Categories Time and Life