It happens
as when friends go for a journey
they ask me if there is something
I´ld like for them
to bring home
to me.
I always answer the same:
A rock or a seashell.
Please :-)
Sometime... if ever I get my house...
My garden. My place on earth. My home...
I will put them there
outside my doorstep
in the gravel
together with little pieces
I´ve saved,
of beautiful broken cups and plates.
I want to learn!!!
I want to learn HOW TO make
interresting, storng, durable
What makes a picture "complete"?

Wich one isn´t?
I inheritated from my Dad - his bible
and check some of the scriptures
I find here.
Despite of all the snow
it feels like another season
as if the winter - at last - is behind us.
It´s been a beautiful winter.
Just like the imagined, perfect winter should be!
I have never seen that kind of snow before
as that wich fell yeasterday through the blue, sunny sky.
It looked like hail - little balls.
It felt dry and it did not feel cold when I touched it.
And the little balls were light as feathers.
Very nice snow indeed!
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable,
and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice
but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up,
never loses faith,
is always hopeful,
and endures through every circumstance.
Love will last forever!
I have no fireplace.
Nor a stove.
(I live in an apartment from the early seventies now.)
But I had when I grew up.
And I had in the nineties
when I lived in a white cottage
on the coast.
One can have much in life,
but not all at the same time.
I hope to have a fireplace again sometime.
Pictures above are of faded memories from my childhood home.
When my mother wanted to make it extra cosy for us, she used to lit this lamp :-)