Beautiful summer -
warm and nice!
In the afternoon running in the water
in Erikslundsparken.
After dinner
a nice telephonecall
from Fröken Tuula.
In the evening
visiting Elisabet.
Falling a sleep late.
Yesterday this lady
had strawberrycake
in the garden
together with the man below
and many others
celebrating Göran
turning 50.
The Portrait
I went into the city today...
I was to get my portrait from the framer and deliver it.
Annika at Nobel made a wonderful job - again - framing one of my portraits.
This is across the street from hers.
After visiting two shops - while I was waiting for my cab - my mood imroved much!
Thanks "Syster Lycklig" and "Mor Karin!"
And the cab droped me of in Eskilstuna.
I had the honor to paint their lord mayor.
It was a party - lots of people came to thank Jonny for his years in Eskilstuna
And I said:
"I fyra månader har jag umgåtts med Jonny hemma i mitt kök där mitt staffli står.
Att måla ett porträtt är en en process fylld av behagligt lugn och koncentration - som är A och O för att jag ska kunna åstadkomma något.
Och vånda - när jag tycker att det ser alldeles förskräckligt ut och inte kan förstå vari felet ligger.
Och hopp - att porträttet i slutändan kommer bli fint. (För det har jag lärt mig av erfarenhet.)
Att måla porträtt innebär mycket glädje - som när jag lagt det sista penseldraget och jag längtar efter att få visa det.
Och nu är jag här. Jag är så tacksam att ha fått detta hedervärda uppdrag att ha fått måla er kommun-fullmäktiges ordförande!
Alla som varit i mitt kök de senaste fyra månaderna har samstämmigt - och opåverkat sagt att han ser väldigt sympatisk ut. Och jag har varje gång svarat att de har helt rätt.
Tack! "

Back home in the evening.
Noak had been "swimming".
...And do you know what was the highlight of the day?
Ask me and I´ll let you know!
Categories my job
This lovely picture
is from Gudrun Sjödén.
Do you know her?
She is a designer.
I love her cloth-catalouges.
I love her shops!
Gudrun arranges a competition:
"The most colorful woman of the year"
I suggested Maria
- an easy thing to do.
Check Marias webpage
and you´ll understand.
Alow the page to load
for some seconds
and you´ll see
a slideshow
that takes you to the woods.
The Gudrun staff liked my suggestion...
and surprized me
with a gift voucher
for me to get
clothes from her store!
Tack snälla Gudrun!
I just wrote K
who also was surprized
by a gift -
She got a grey little house
next to the sea
from a friend
that she had not heard from for years.
And K saw that
her dream was true!
Below picture is from last summer that we spent on Gotland.
Below picture is from my neighbourhoo
There and here
Despite all the lovely people I´ve gotten to know here -
I feel so ready to move.
To where I can rest my eyes.
To wheere I can rest my soul.
To where I do not have to imagine
I am somewhere else.
Been here five years
I was so inspired the other day after spending time with Helena...
So I painted!
Yes, I painted using colors, shapes and imagination.
It was great!
And Do you know what I long for?
I´ld want to be in the sun somewhere
painting from morning til bedtime.
Day after day after day.
Not going anywhere.
Just be in ONE lovely spot PAINTING!
What would be the most perfect way for you to spend your summer?
Noak had a great fun day today playing with Yildiz!
to Grisslehamn...
gave her a hand
as she hung her beautiful
for the summmer.
(If you see a black image
it means images
are still loading.)
Tänk om...
jag bloggade på svenska.
Det skulle låta annorlunda då.
Jag skulle skriva om
den ljuva boken
jag läste för min pojk
i förrgår kväll.
Den som Kristina
i den vita gamla skolan
i trakten av
Vilda Sofia...
Men jag bloggar inte på svenska
Instead I´ll head for bed
after a very fine day!
Only friends read blogs
Met a woman on the train
this morning -
a woman that visits my blog
and reads my words.
It is a funny thing
it doesn´t feel unconfortable
meeting someone
who ought to be a stranger -
Meeting someone
who has heard my whispers
and my fragile thoughts.
Funny how I feel
I know her and she knows me
although we´ve never sat down face to face talking.
Quite nice actually!
It is not that my words are that fragile.
They are not private.
But still, they can set me in "shymood"
reading them out loud.
Categories friends
Oh the joy of being present!
Being able to be present is a gift.
Or is it a skill?
Tell me Susan! Tell me EB! Tell me whoever knows the secret!
In images an words
I can easily make it appear
as though I have been present.
But do not trust me!
I am making up an image of a life
I have seen
and that I would like to feel!
Oh the joy of being present!
The lovely walk
Ingrid called me the other day
wondered if I wished to take a walk with her.
The afternoon was lovely.
I couldn´t ask for better company...
We reached Hästa gård
- an old house in a friendly old garden
And there we sat down in the grass
surrounded by flowers.
We talked as the hens walked around us
and Noak played happily
in the perfect summer afternoon.
It was quiet and peaseful.
We were alone.
As I think of it now
the memory is a gem.
But as I sat there
I was like in a bubble.
I saw and understood how perfect everything was out there.
But couldn´t sense it from where I was - inside my bubble.
Have you ever been trapped in a bubble
when all you wished for was to be there
with all your open senses?
Here is a link to when we discovered this place for the first time.
Categories Time and Life