Gitte wants her egg boiled 5 minutes and a half.
She knows what she wants!
We have known eachother ten years this August.
Tomorrow is Hans birthday...
My Mother is sitting on the train in this minute.
It must have been like twenty years
since last time she was on a train.
We will have three good days here in Stockholm
visiting beautiful sights and museums.
(Museum of Modern Art and the Thielska gallery)
Visiting Noaks kindergarden
and seeing Noaks room
for the first time.
Time flies. It´s been one year and a half
since she was here last time.
We go to visit them instead
beacause it is easier for them...
I am excited. And guess who else is -
yes, that´s right NOAK is!
grandma telling stories
Categories Time and Life
I have a plan
I will work to make sure that
my portrait painting company
becomes REALLY established
so that I won´t lack customers.
When it is so,
I will be free to live anywhere
in the country
with my family
(since my work is at home).
Categories livingspace
...has the energy, the wallet and the skill... take care of this magical house from 1763 ...
in a 2,45 acre garden close to the sea on Gotland?
Information here!
No... I wouldn´t
choose buying this house,
although I know that
in the right hands
it will be transformed into a PARADIZE!
I looked some more
for houses and fell in love
with this house.
Categories house find, treasures
Rest and work
Work and rest
Today life is beautiful!
Once I was alone (7.30) I sat down in my chair
getting myself together.
Exchanging a few words with God.
Desided on a thing that should be
my task for the day.
Then I walked around and around our apartment.
Seven times.
Picking up things,
putting them in their places.
Always walking forward.
Never backwards.
It gave me energy
and became almoust like a nice walk.
And I like walks,
because when I walk I can think.
And believe me or not - but I
enjoy thinking!
I proceeded with my tasks.
I finished them.
As I focused on my work
I had a paper+pen in handy
where I wrote down
other to-do-things that poped up in my head.
I did a few of them too - easy as a dance.
Now I am sitting in the sun on the balcony
being content and happy.
This picture is for YOU Mansuetude! I appreaciate your encouragement very much.
We waved farewell at our summerparadize in Ljugarn on Gotland yesterday at 5.30p.m. Twelve hours later (with bus, ferry, bus and subway via Visby - Nynäshamn - Stockholm) we finally layed our heads down on our own pillows here in Tensta.
Needless to say Noak loved it there. (Can feel like torture raising your kids in the city) He is sleaping now. Hans is composing music at the piano...
Among many other things today I took pictures of the danser Tanja Tuurala
It is Görans Birthday today!
My brother (Owe) was 50 yesterday.
My mans brother (Göran) was 50 today.
My friend Ingrid (from long ago) will be 50
on my birthday, the day after tomorrow.
I don´t know how old my friends
Betulia, Linn, Karin and Doreen
will be on my and Ingrids birthdays.
Noak is invited for Noels birthday on my birthday.
When is your birthday?
I wished for the books
"awakening to a new earth"
and "Eat, Pray, Love"
from my Love
for my birthday.
Categories Time and Life
For artists
Danait - our little neighbour on first floor
(We are on top floor.)
played with Noak today.
...and here is
something beautiful to read
for you who may strougle
with your artistic endevaours!
Categories friends
Have you seen Emeryetcie ?
It has been like a day of fall here today.
A VERY rainy day.
I´ve walked around my home
and made it kind
to peolpe with not much energy
to people who has been feeling a little cold...
(Above pictures are NOT mine)