I had the previledge to come and get this little girl
and her brother
yesterday after pree-school.
We took a long walk back home.
Click on the pictures to see them larger.
Categories friends
Uschi, you´ve said sometime that you like how I can focus...
I focused today. And yesterday. TWO days in a row!!!!
My job is very much about focusing. I am nervous before I start painting. But when I decide to get myself together and sit down in front of the easel I do most of the times get myself in to what I am doing. I focus... and I have come to realize that I love my job! I have not always. But I DO now!
It is important for me to set up a clear goal for what´d like to achieve in the day. Then I go for that and nothing else. Today I was concentrating in her mouth/teeth. Then, from there I continued seeing many other things and fixed them as well. I am about to finish this painting. I will NOT look at it for some days now. Doing so I will hopefully see it more clear next time with fresh eyes and understand what is lacking.
Tomorrow I will start painting Ingegärd Wärnersson. (I prepared her canvas yesteerday.) We will see, Uschi if you´ll recognize her...
By for now from me sitting out in the balcony.
Categories my job
Spring in Stockholm
If we go down to the subway here in Tensta
and take the train all the way to the endstation
we get to Kungsträdgården.
The cherrytrees are in full blossom there.
We had some food at Hermans trädgårdscafé
before heading for Mosebacke torg
where I bought some stuff for my new painting.
Mosebacke, my dear friends is a HIGHLIGHT
in Stockholm - a beauuuiful place!
CLICK on the images for a larger view!
Anemones for Britta
Today was her ninth day in her new home. (From December till recently, her living has been temporary waiting for an apartment to be free at the old peoples home) She has some of her own furniture in her new home. Her own paintings on the walls. But it is comfusing to move at age: almoust 94. Britta was not peaseful. I felt she was like a little lonely, scared girl - but with no parents to take care of her. (If you have a heart that likes to pray -please pray for her!) We talked. I held her hand. She became a little calmer... Then I needed to run back home to get my little boy to bed. He fell a sleep ten to eight. Not bad :)
Britta - november 13, 2007
Britta - december 13, 2007
Britta - february 13, 2008
Categories Time and Life
Ingegärd was so sweet.
My day has been good!
I LOVE coming to new cities...
Karlskrona smelled ocean and new cut grass.
I have checked my pictures now
and found that I have plenty
of good material
to choose from!
Love from me to you
at 22.30
on the train
back home!
(On this picture I am using myself,
checking the light/composition
before I take her pictures.)
Categories my job
NOW, right now
I am sitting on a train
heading for Karlskrona
with my camera.
I´m starting a new comission;
painting the mayor of the Blekinge county;
Ingegärd Wärnersson...
My schedual:
13.24 arriving in Karlskrona
14.00 Lunch
14.40 Meeting with Wärnerssons secretary
14.45 Setting up my photographing gears
16.00 A walk with Wärnersson
16.30 Photosession
18.30 Taking the train going back home.
23.40 Arriving in Stockholm
xx.xx Taking a cab home
00.20 Home in bed.
Categories my job
We baked...buns this morning ...and some honeysweetened bread that I filled with banana, apple, pear, raisins and cinnamon. It turned out very tasty. And my man imagined having a bakery - named Hildegard - only using "spelt-flour" (instead of wheat) And I imagined living close to a mill...
In the nineties
...I lived in a little white cottage on the countryside on the coast. Not far from a farm that grew spelt. (The Swedish for spelt is Dinkel) On this farm they were building a mill at the time. I got all my flour from them in return of a painting I had done that the lady had liked. We got honey from Sylve who had beehives in our garden. I got milk from Ingemar, a nearby farmer. I "served myself" in his barn and put money in his cap for the milk. Egg I got from another farmer in the neighbourhood. The spices and herbs I grew in our own garden. Onions and carrots I bought from my postman, Lars. I also bought some juicy meat on ocations from his pigs that only lived outdoor. Sometime we also had meat that we had hunted ourselves on our little piece of land. Not to worry - I am not hunting anymore.
I was imagining
...the Hildegard bakery in a surrounding like this - where most ingredients came from close by. And I could see the beautiful Hildegard-logo on the paperbags we would use and the Hildegard-sign above the door!
And when we were baking
...Noak and I, I said it would be nice to share the bread with someone. I asked Noak who he would like to come. He whispered; Marjatta. She and her sons appeared at our door some hours later when Noak was having a nap. (Five months since the last Marjatta-visit.) Noak was soon awake and was SHINING like the sun!
Categories friends, Time and Life
May the road rise to meet you
may the wind be always at your back
may the sun shine upon your face
and may the rain fall gently on your fields
until we meet again, may God hold you
in the palm of His hand
Categories Time and Life