Hello! Remember me; Olga? Please don´t feel you have to read all this. It is too much to read. It is just a warm-up for me to pick up the blogging again, OK?
I didn´t think Noak would become sick very much when he started kindrgarden - he has been with lots of children before. And also I didn´t expect him to since his group just consists of four little boys. I was wrong. He is being sick for the third time since March 3rd. My man has been very busy in the same time rehearsing lots of new music. So I have NOT been blogging. I have not been painting...
I finished a little name-sign for Noak to have above his clothes at kindergarden. It is a task that all parents get during the children-adjuting-to-kindergarden-time. I sat there at Solgläntan working on this in another room, so I easily could come if Noak REALLY needed me. It was so quiet and peaseful sitting there with a needle in my hand...
from my Mother
The finishing I did at home. I brought out the sewing-case my mother had as a little girl wich she added a little paint to and wrote "Olga är en vacker flicka, men hon vill ej sy och sticka, men idag du fyller år, därför här ett skrin du får." ("Olga is a beautiful girl, but she doesn´t needle or crochet, but today is your birthday, therefor here´s a case for you")
Mother gave it to me twentyone years ago when I turned twentyone.
now I know!
So... I am fourtytwo. You know what? I think I´ve finally figured out whats my style
when it comes to houses and interiordesign(!) Once again I looked though my Marie Claire Maison magasines that I used to subscribe to. This time I asked myself as I was waching;
wich of these pictures looks like (it could be) my home? Before I had thought so much was nice. It still is. But that wasn´t the question this time. This time I only looked for - what does REALLY feel like my home here? It was an interresting experience!
cutting up a book
I steped in to the thriftshop in our subwurb the other day. I wanted to get a lovely dish I had seen some days ago - perfect as a gift together with some fresh buns. It was gone. Instead I steped out with a book for 1Skr with wich I had an amusing evening cutting little things out of.
I have already managed my tax-declaration for the passed year. I have had a friend helping me with this for the passed two years. Usually this is a drag. A little of a nightmare. But not since Ingrid has been helping me. She loves numbers and is really good with explaining everything to me that I need to know. I have never done as well financially in my life as this passed year. Wich meant I had to pay a huge amount of extra tax. But thats allright. I was prepared. For everything I sell I should count on keeping 40% of it, no more.
I have been very thrilled and happy lately, dreaming and planning...
A joyful day...
A walk to the woods in the morning.
All three of us together.
Sunshine and smiles.
Later: tired, tired, tired.
Hans toled me to relax; "It is Sunday!"
In the afternoon my little one
sat in my mans lap on the floor
waching a concert on TV,
eating a bun.
I ENJOYED tremendously the situation
while waching pictures by Cori Kindred.
It was the perfect moment.
In the evening my son and I took a bath
and laughed a lot.
P.S. just for the fun of it - try clicking on one of the three pictures in the post below!
Categories Time and Life
I, Olga have lots of friendly folks around me
but miss a soul-friend
that I may just easily pop over to at any time.
Or who could come knocking at my door.
A friend with whom I could have these kinds of conversations.
I have three good telephone-friends
that are good listeners
and who would make great pop-over-to-friends
if only they lived closer.
I have moved too many times in my life
wich has forced me to make new friends
over and over.
It is fun to make new friends but... tiering too.
Maybe it has made me num in a way
so that I can´t receive or return the friendships
I am being offered by people from time to time...
I hope I´m wrong.
When I get that house
that will be our home
it is going to be a house
full of light, life, friends and laughter!
P.S. Read Thoughts on Friendship here
Little Amanda turned six.
Noak was ill, couldn´t go to celebrate her.
When he was well again
Amanda came with her brother and Mummy to our door
with a cake
specially made for Noak
with no cream nor sugar in it
Then they headed back home again to prepare for sleap...
And we celebrated our little neighbour
here at our table.
Jummy cake!
Wonderful, friendly neighbours!
Are you the listener or the talker?
What do you look for in a friend?
Are friends exchangable?
What´s being a true friend?
Who has time for you?
What is friendship?
What is a friend?
Categories friends
my dear Dad will be old on Wednesday.
P.S. Today is the day
(click on the images)
Categories Time and Life
In the eighties I made black and white pictures.
I also had a periode there of slides
and of making slideshows...
I have had not so fun periodes in the nineties
taking "color snapshots".
For the passed two and a half years
it´s been digital.
Today when I was out walking
I all of a sudden
saw the world through my old
"black and white eyes".
it was a pleasant experience.
You look at everything very differently
when you think black and white.
Categories about me
Here is an "old" picture
of my man and my son.
I just "did them in Photoshop"
in the same way I did the pictures
in my previous post.
We have had a good week
attending the kindergarden
SOLGLÄNTAN (the sun glade).
There´re just four little boys
in Noaks group.
It is a calm and kind place
and the garden surrounding
the red house
will be BEAUTIFUL when spring arrives!
I feel this kindergarden will help
giving my son a good start in life!
two posts down I have some pictures
showing the ambience at "The Sun Glade".
Categories Noak-news

m y . s o n .
I uploaded these portraits of my boy last night.
I had had an interresting time working with them in photoshop.
(The three first ones you may click to enlarge.)
I like the softness in them
and they almost have that black and white feeling I think.
Yes, "the black and white feeling" is a very specific feeling.
- a picture being black and white
doesn´t necesarry guarantee that feeling.
Some sunny pictures - wich becomes larger if you click at them -
taken on March 7th, 2008 at "The Sun Glade" (my sons kindergarden)
Noak will start 8.30 in the mornings
to play together with Jakob, Joakim and Anton
in their little room.
At 9.00 the four boys will have tea
before they go out
to play in the lovely garden
with four more children
from the other little group.
After playing, Noak and his friends will have lunch
and then they will lay down
on the floor to sleap.
When Noak wakes up,
I or Hans will be there
to take him home.
Around 2 o´clock.
This is one of the room for the older (3-6) children.
View out of one the windows.
Categories Noak-news
My son saw a picture of a mango-tree
in a story-book today.
I explained to him
that mango is a fruit
that is
better than banana,
better than apple,
even better than orange...
something VERY delicous -
a fruit that unfortunatelly
we did not have at home.
Noak insisted that YES we did have it, and said;
I want mango. NOW!
He run to the freezer,
opened it up and pulled out the - rawsberries.
What might beet both rawsberries and mango in taste is our fruitallad;
one banana+one apple+one orange+ginger+raisins(+walnuts)=jammy!