MY GARDEN by Hans Granström (my man) Do you like it? Share it with others!
There are moments
when you don´t wish
to be anywhere else
in time or room...
Moments that don´t just look perfect
in pictures or in words -
but that are perfect to you
in that very moment -
in every sense.
Know what I mean?
The other night
when it as all dark
I lit a candle-lamp
in our little round table
out at the balcony.
I put two big pillows
on the bench to sit on.
I dressed Noak warm
(he had not been out all day because of a cold.)
And we sat down my son and I
with a bowl of bananas, raisins and walnuts
under a blancet and talked quietly
waching the lights of the little cars driving by down on route E18...
this morning
we had some tea and bread
all three of us
out there on the balbony.
It was spring in the air
and it was a precious, dear moment...
we´ve spent lots of time in the sun today
and Noak got himself a pair of strawberry-rubber-boots
that he has enjoyed running in.
A lovely sunny day.
I stayed in while the boys took a long walk.
I felt like organizing.
Thinking back. Thinking forward.
Thinking of OlgaPortrait.
One of the many thoughts was that I needed
pictures of me, the artist - the portrait-painting Olga.
So I took out my tripod and pretended I looked
a little better than I actually did today :)
So, now I am happily removing one thing from my to-do-list...
Categories my job
I am not fast, so to speak, when it comes to deciscions
...or very good at buying new things, for that mather.
But sometimes it happens that I do need sertain things.
I am very pleased and proud of myself
that I´ve found a solution how to handle this...
So if I need something I decide;
next time I get a new comisson (money) I´ll get it.
And until that comission comes
I have time to do the research that is needed to get the right thing.
I did like this when I got my camera.
I did like this when I got good light (today) in my studio.
I was about to buy armatures for the light-tubes...
Then, the other day, I was quite lucky,
when we were out walking Noak and I;
I found the perfect armatures for the purpose.
(looking alot better than the ones in the shop I had seen.)
They (and maybe 70 more of them, worth maybe 200 euro each)
had been thrown away at a school very, very close to here.
Today the nice electrician came
and got the lamps (PHILIPS 36W color:650) shining
B E A U T I F U L L Y in the sealing.
Now I could even paint in the night if I´ld like.
And the comission?
Painting the former mayor (landshövding) of the Blekinge county.
Britta and Noak today.
And we took a little walk in the sunshine.
(She is doing fine!)
Britta - november 13, 2007
Britta - december 13, 2007
Categories Time and Life
Would you like to see th kind of forest that I love?
The kind of forest that surrounded my childhood.
This homepage is from the lovely, wise Maria Vildhjärta (Wildheart).
She makes us see little people and other creatures she meets in the wood.
Look around her homepage and see the things she makes!
Alow the images to load! First the window is green with the words: "en kär lek"
searching for something you don´t know what. (killing precious time)
And if you pay attention to how you feel you realize you don´t feel your best, so to say...
This happened to me last night. This has happened to me MANY late evenings.
(and didn´t turn on the computer) I was filled with interreting thoughts and joy. And life.

See here! I found this old blue "note-book" of mine wich I got YEARS ago from a friend.
A notebook I used during some years to write about things happening in my garden
(I had a garden in the 90´s). Then the book was abandoned for some years
with still many blank pages remaining to be written.
Now is the perfect moment to keep writing in it -
writing about things that the book I just read in makes my mind talk about.
See how well the books sute eachther? Almoust the same format. A little gold in the covers.
They are like made for eachother was my thought!
And eventually I will close the blue notebook by writing new pages from my new garden!
Categories about me, Time and Life
Our son will finally start kindergarden.
(On March 3rd, in a nice place - different from where he was to start last september)
He longs for it. Loves to play.
Also soon I will have fixed the lighting-issue
in my studio (read kitchen)
I will decide tomorrow in a shop what armature to use.
I´ll order the full-spectra (day-light) -tubes
...and give Anders, the electrician a call.
So... SOON I will have enough time
and the right lighting-temperature for painting.
My work will be easy as a dance on roses!
For many days Noak had asked and begged to go visit grandma and grandpa...
grandpas hand Wednesday morning I tried for the first time to make a little buisness with "the Swedish e-bay" I was lucky to get hold of two bargain-traintickets for less than a Euro; 7 kronor, that would get us to my parents home later on that afternoon...
Karlstad greated us with snow and it snowed the day we left. It had been wet, dark and no snow up til then. It was so beautiful there in winterland!
My Mother Eva, is thrilled because she thinks Noak much looks like herself. when she was a little girl. See here and here !
A letter was waiting for me when I got back home -
words from the signature "Casa" about that wonderful house I showed you here on my blog two posts down.

"Hi Olga, I found your blog yesterday when I was looking for some special information about the Glottra village.
It’s amazing, that "That House" you came across, was "My House" in Glottra in the province of Närke. Glottra is the demographic midpoint in Sweden according to the statistic authorities in Sweden and I can tell you it’s a wonderful place. I lived there with my family for ten years from 1972. Later on we moved to another house near Grisslehamn, northeast of Stockholm, close to the sea. But I didn’t want to sell the school until now after 35 years, because I was so attached to the place and the two school houses. I should like a family like yours take over, but I understand, this is not the right time. It is also a responsibility and you will have to devote much time for big houses like that. Like you I was staying with my family in a suburb outside Stockholm, before we moved to this old school. All the ten points in your wish list were true in our new home. You wrote: "I have learned that school buildings (and chapels) are known for being very well built :)" That is also true. When they built those houses, it took very long time and it was the pride of the village. The niece of Irja Browallius, the famous author, told us when we were going to move: "you will never more find a house like that". Sorry to say, she was true. As you know Irja Browallius was a teacher in the school from 1927-1937. Later on, during the summers, she stayed in a wonderful croft near Glottra called "Svalbygget" (The swallow nest), a house that got its grey patina because the lack of painting. “The swallow nest” is even more beautiful than the big schoolhouses and much more mysterious.
Conclusion: compared to the rather boring suburban life outside Stockholm I recommend you to later move to a nice house in the countryside not too far from a big city. You will be aware, not all things will be better. I can tell you about this another time, if you are interested."
You bet I am interrested!!!